PT Freeport Indonesia membuka kesempatan bagi mahasiswa D4/S1/S2.
- Mahasiswa aktif program D4/S1/S2
- Usia minimum 18 tahun
- Minimal Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK): 2.8 dari skala 4.0.
- Telah menyelesaikan paling sedikit 1 (satu) tahun dalam bidang studi utama.
- Sehat Jasmani dan rohani
Dokumen Persyaratan:
- Surat pengantar dari Perguruan Tinggi yang menyatakan kebutuhan mahasiswa untuk memperoleh pengalaman kerja praktek dan/atau menyusun tugas akhir
- Dokumen identitas pribadi; salinan Kartu Tanda Penduduk/KTP, salinan Kartu Keluarga, pas foto, CV dan sertifikat vaksin 1, 2 dan booster.
- Salinan transkrip nilai
- Uang saku
- Tiket pesawat (pulang-pergi), akomodasi, makan 3x sehari, fasilitas Kesehatan bagi siswa penempatan dilokasi kerja Papua
- Sertifikat penyelesaian program
A. Program Magang 3 Bulan (December 2023 to February 2024):
- Accounting
- Architect Engineering
- Chemical Science
- Civil Engineering
- Communication
- Curriculum Development
- Data Analyst/Social Statistics/Information System
- Electrical Engineering
- Environmental Infrastructure Engineering
- Forestry
- Geology Engineering
- Geophysical Engineering
- Geotechnical
- Industrial Engineering
- Information Engineering
- Law
- Management
- Material Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Metallurgical Engineering
- Mining Engineering
- Multimedia / Graphic Design
- Psychology
- Public Health / K3
- Railway Engineering
- Social and political science
- Sport Management / Sport Education
- Statistics
- Visual Communication Design
B. Program Magang 12 bulan by online/working from home (WFH), full time : Mid of February 2024 to Mid of February 2025, as listed below:
1. Application Developer
In our team, you will have the opportunity to develop Web and Mobile based application using HTML5, Bootstrap, Flutter, Jquery and Microsoft Technology (ASP .Net, Azure Cloud Platform, SQL Server) and learn Agile process.
- Major in Informatics / Computer Science
- Having strong algorithm programming
- Familiarity with web development technologies (HTML, Bootstrap, Flutter).
- Having understanding on Backend programming using C#, ASP .Net MVC, Web API/REST.
- Having understanding on SQL Programming Language.
- Having a strong communication, analytical, and problem-solving abilities.
2. Business Intelligence
Become member of Business Intelligence (BI) Development Team to provide solutions for data analytic using Snowflake Warehouse, Data Transformation, Dashboard Reporting platform within IT Projects, SDLC and Agile methodology.
- Major in Technology/System Information
- Having understanding with Data Analysis
- Having understanding with Data Visualization
- Having understanding Database System, SQL Programming Language, Data Warehouse.
- Having experience ETL Tools is a plus
3. Business Solution Analyst
As an IT Business Solution Analyst Intern at PT Freeport Indonesia, you will have the unique opportunity to gain hands-on experience in the mining industry while contributing to our digital transformation efforts. This internship will provide you with exposure to various aspects of IT, business analysis, and the mining sector.
- Currently pursuing a degree in Information Technology, System Information, Business, or a related field.
- Strong analytical and problem-solving skills.
- Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.
- Ability to work effectively in a team and independently.
- Basic knowledge of business analysis concepts is a plus.
- Enthusiasm for learning about the mining industry and its IT requirements.
Application Deadline : October 20th, 2023
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